Faculty of Nursing


Faculty Of Nursing

Increasing the efficiency of healthcare services provided in Egypt was one of the top goals of Egypt Vision of 2030, healthcare services quality in any region depends on various essential factors such as medical equipment, the number of healthcare centers, and the experience of doctors and nursing staff.

Nursing staff are the caregivers for patients, they help them to recover fast and keep them from illness consequences, they observe and monitor the patient and record any relevant information that supports treatment decision-making processes.

Saving humans life and optimizing the healthcare services quality is the core of our work in The Faculty of Nursing at The University of Innovation, students in the faculty will study and practise medical knowledge in several subjects including:

Our Vision

Ranking Egypt Nursing teams as one of the top medical staff performers worldwide regarding saving human life and providing the best healthcare.

Our Mission

Increasing the quality of healthcare services in Middle Eastern hospitals and medical centers by qualifying the best nursing teams with medical knowledge and practice learned on international medical education standards.

Our Goals

Faculty message

Welcome to all new students, we are here to help you help others, we are here in the Faculty of Nursing at The University of Innovation to see ourselves in the heart of humanity, we take pride to be caregivers and illness fighters, we give you here knowledge and experience to let you give the world hope and healthy life.

Dealing with patients with respect and understanding while providing them the best healthcare experience, the learning journey in our faculty is full of experiences that will support you to participate in removing pain and increasing happiness in people.

Studying program

Accuracy and efficiency in business mean something, but as a human life’s main service, it would be much more important.

Preparing highly experienced nursing staff needed different criteria to prepare the study program including all essential topics and more.

Equipping Students for Success

Learning journey full of ethics and knowledge

Nursing job is an ever-evolving career path, which made the gap between the required number of qualified nursing staff members and the currently available number increase.

We decided to fill the gap by educating a new generation of the nursing team, who continue developing skills and give the best performance in the healthcare and medical sector.

For achieving these strategic goals we prepared a learning plan rich with academic and practical experiences while teaching the students our code of ethics and changing their mindsets regarding nursing as a profession was considered because nursing is not just a profession, it is a role in human life.


What We Provide

Our learning plan is comprehensive to cover all aspects of medical sectors and healthcare services, we focus on various topics and subjects which is highly needed in hospitals and medical centers.

Nursing Surgery & Internal Surgery

Comprehensive nursing care for patients throughout the surgical process, with a focus on specialty areas and practical critical experiences.

Nursing Maternal & Neonatal Health

Neonatal nurses provide specialized care for expectant mothers and newborns, ensuring their well-being after childbirth.

Gynecological Nursing

High professionalism and experience are crucial in providing private and sensitive healthcare for females during gynecological examinations, treatments, and operations.

Nursing of Children's Health

A skilled nursing team can handle children's pain and illness, bringing happiness to their lives.

Mental Health Nursing

A vital medical role providing care and support for individuals with mental health disorders, restoring peace and well-being. We equip nursing teams for this crucial responsibility.

Nursing Family & Community Health

Promote better health by increasing medical awareness through nursing staff education and training - a significant medical achievement worldwide.